Thursday, November 3, 2016

Brilliant Fall Fields

I have been doing a lot of driving these days. To preschool to drop off, to preschool to pick up, to Bible study, to the grocery store, to the store for party supplies, etc. As I drive I often "write" in my head. I listen for the words that God may give me and hope I remember them when I get to a computer or notepad to jot them down. Today I have been specifically thinking about my kids and the words I might use to wish them a happy birthday this month. I know they will not read them this year. They are too young for Facebook and don't visit the blog. But I love creating a moment for them that they may be able to read later in life and know that Mom was thinking of them. I have been "writing" about all the beautiful Fall colors for a week now and today God gave me the words I wanted to share with my little ones.

In the past week I have been overtaken by the beauty in this season. I have driven past many areas where the bright yellow, orange, red and brown leaves have fallen to blanket the ground in a golden hue that only God could create. As I see the sun shining through the leaves in the trees that have yet to fall I have been tempted on many occasions to pull over and stand in the middle of that shining moment. I think it must be so warm, so peaceful, there. Eyes closed, the sun on my face and the sound of rustling leaves all around. It is a picture of Heaven I think. Standing in the middle of God's presence, His light shining on my face and the sound of angels praising all around.

My kid's birthdays are like those brilliant Fall fields for me. Every year I am overtaken by the beauty in each child God has blessed us with. I am so grateful for the way the Lord is working in my life and in theirs. I want to stop and pull over and dance with my babies in a forest full of colors that only God can create and remind them, not only how much I love them, but how much the Father in Heaven loves them.

So, I wish my babies, Happy Birthday! I pray that this year is filled with many moments that cause us to stop and pull over to stand in the presence of the God who created all.