Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Gracie snuck out of quiet time today. She was coming to the living room to get a little chair to take back for whatever game she was playing in her room.

I was reading in 2 Thessalonians and a verse struck the "children" chord in my heart so I was praying specifically for her and Evan when she came into the room with a smile on her face. It was a smile that said, "Is this okay? Can I get this chair? I'm having fun." I smiled back and heard a whisper in my heart that said, "Show her." So I did.

"May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ." 2 Thessalonians 3: 5

I showed her the circled verse and read it to her. We talked about how it is a prayer I say for them. I told her that I prayed that God would fill her heart with love for Him and that she would always, always, always remember that Jesus is with her and that He loves her. She smiled big, the way she does right before bed when I look her straight in the eyes and tell her she is so loved and that I am so glad God put her in our family. The way she does when I linger a little with a long hug before turning out the lights. That smile always makes me feel like maybe I'm doing this mom thing okay. It's a smile that feels love. That appreciates hearing her mom talk about how special she is and how blessed we are to have her.

In the parenting class at church a few months ago we talked about the importance of our children seeing us with the scriptures. We read from the kids Bibles and little devotion books pretty frequently but they probably don't see me reading my Bible often enough. My quiet time is usually during their quiet time because, let's face it, reading scriptures for insight is not an easy feat when two noisy and nosey little ones are underfoot. Today I'm thankful that God gave me this tiny little moment to show Gracie a scripture that is on my heart. Maybe it will stay in hers too.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Angel Kisses

Hello, my name is Kelly and I lied to my daughter.

It's true. I did. Before she could talk I told her that freckles were angel kisses. And we still talk about it often. Sometimes she gets a new one and comes to me excited about it. Today she asked if angels kiss dogs too because she found some spots on Preston's (the dogs) tummy.

I told her this because my mom told me the same thing when I was little and I have not once despised my freckles. In fact, I quite like them. And there are many of them so it's a good thing I do like them.

I could feel bad about this, but I don't. Because, really, do you know where freckles come from?