Friday, October 15, 2010


I am reading through a devotional book called "Out of the Spin Cycle" by Jen Hatmaker. It's been a wonderful way to turn my focus to the Lord and His ways every day. If you are a young mom and on my Christmas shopping list then you can expect to be receiving one soon. :)

Today I read the devotion "Today is Tomorrows Yesterday." She is bringing back the focus to today and away from the typical, "I can't wait until __________." At the end she asks, "What is the most endearing about the stage your child is in?" So here goes:

Gracie is almost two. In 20 days she will be my 2-year old. No more months. Just years. So far every stage has been my favorite (well, maybe not the middle of the night feeding stage but I've almost forgotten that already).

Right now she is talking a lot. She is forming little sentences and phrases. Only they come out slow because it's very new for her. She says, "Apple.........juice" and "yes............mommy." I want to stop and say, "Wait for it, wait for it" every time she starts the phrase. She's asking questions like, "daddy, go?" and "more, plane?" Inflection in a two year olds voice has got to be something the angels created. It just sounds so sweet. "gacie, too!"

She's also started singing. It started with the cleanup song and last night as we were getting ready for bed she sang Jesus Loves Me with us. She didn't just listen she sang! It only ended up being every fourth word or so but it was sweeter than honey to my ears. Maybe hearing your children sing is just a little glimpse of what God must hear when we are lifting praises to Him.

She has joy. That might be what endears me most to this stage of her life. She has joy the likes of which we should all have. And I think it's for the same reason. I think she knows her creator. That she has been born into the will of the One who created everything. As we all have. I pray that she chooses to accept the salvation He offers and the Joy that comes with it one day. "Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit." Psalm 51:12

Sunday, August 29, 2010


We were sitting at the dinner table tonight and Matt looked at Gracie and asked me this, "can you believe she was once in your belly?" Or something similar to that anyways. My memory is fading fast.

I really can't. I actually thought the exact same thing last night as I was putting her to bed. She gave me a really big hug and as I returned the squeeze I thought about how I carried her in my womb and now she is this little "big" girl who can willfully deny me a hug or a kiss. Thankfully she still enjoys doling out the affection most of the time. The sweetest is when she walks up to you making the "muah" face and then plants one on you. She even likes to "muah" Preston (the dog) every now and again. What can I say, we are dog people. :)

After our dinner conversation I taught Gracie how to kiss like the Eskimos. You know, nose to nose. She then proceeded to say, "nose" to me and to Matt over and over again. From one to the other and back again. It feels a little like a thank you to me, "Thanks for being my Mommy, and feeding me and bathing me and letting me get my way sometimes." This joy is like no other I have felt. It's hard but the rewards are immeasurable.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


As a parent I've found a new appreciation for God.

I was raised in a Christian home. I don't remember a time in my life when I didn't believe in God. Don't get me wrong, my faith has wavered and I've asked many questions of God and others on my path. But today my faith is strong and I pray that it continues to grow.

I find my faith rooted these days in just how present God truly is in my, and I like to think our, lives. I see Him more now, I think, that I have a child. I cannot help but see all the growth she is going through as a miraculous event that occurs in every human's life. From conception to her first kick in utero, from her first smile to her first step, from her first babble to her first words the human experience is awe inspiring. She advances so quickly. Just 27 months ago she was a single cell. Now she is a running toddler learning new things everyday...literally.

She's saying lots of words these days. Here are just a few (because I know you want to know):

Mama and Dada (which have changed to mommy and daddy just this week)

She loves to run in circles and squeal. She loves, loves, loves to play outside in her sand box and kiddie pool. She loves to write with chalk and any other writing tool we'll give her. She likes to paint. She likes to watch cartoons. She likes to spin. She loves to tumble around on the bed, and the floor, and the couch. She's learning how to do puzzles on the computer. She's just a little ball of growing knowledge and I never know when she's going to look at me and repeat a word that's seemingly just too big for her little head.

I hope it never gets old. I hope I always see God's presence in my life. I hope that Gracie will feel His presence too and one day accept the grace he offers through His son. I pray for strength and wisdom to help her on this journey of life.

Note to Gracie:

You are talking in your crib right now. I guess that means nap time is over. Sometimes this job (being your mom) is hard. I rest in the fact that this job is my most favorite. It is my most fulfilling. It is my most enjoyable. It is my most rewarding. I love you and always will!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

In the Arms of Love

I have come to my blog several times over the past few months to try and write but have left unable to put "pen to paper." I'm not sure why. I can only imagine that maybe I didn't have much to say. Today...God gave me something to say.

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

I taught this verse in a kindergarten class at church last quarter (the kids learned the shortened version, "In all things God works for good") and have been convicted by just how powerful a promise it is. I am trying to make it my motto. It's easy to trust when things are great. I am praying now that I will remember it when the hardships come. Because they always do.

For now, I rest in the arms of my Savior. I find peace in knowing that He knows me. I feel His arms around me daily. He is big enough to hold the world and yet He wraps me in the tiniest little arms to remind me of just how much He cares for His children. You see, when Gracie holds me in her arms and squeezes tight...I SEE GOD.

Note to Gracie:

You are like a little bit of Heaven on earth. I see your smile and light up. I hear your laugh and laugh with you. I watch you learn and I am in awe of God's creation.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gracie Can Moo, Can You?

I haven't been writing much these days. Mostly because I just don't know what to write about. There is so much going on in Gracie's life. Sometimes I look up and she's doing or saying something new and I think to myself, "When did she learn that?" Sometimes I feel bad that I missed it and then I realize that I didn't, that I am in fact witnessing my little girl have an "aha!" moment.

She is so smart. I know all parents say that but I think they all should. I think that our children should experience our unwavering amazement at who they are on a daily basis. I think that there is a time and place for us to teach them about the real world and that it's not fair and that we occasionally fail and all that "weighty" stuff; but for right now Gracie will know that she is in fact created by God and is therefore created for good and in that way she is perfect. Don't get me wrong...she cries and whines and doesn't eat her vegetables, but she is still perfect in my eyes and in His eyes. We, who are saved by His grace, all are.

Gracie can moo, can you? She's in a book phase right now. She picks a book and brings it to me. Then she turns around and backs into my lap in order for story time to begin. Sometimes it only lasts for a few minutes but each time is so sweet. Her favorite book right now is Richard Scarry's the Animals of Farmer Jones. It goes through all of the animals on the farm and the noises that they make as they are ready for "supper time on the farm." Just yesterday on our way to a friends house I was asking Gracie what sounds the animals make. Until then the only one she would do was "wuff, wuff" for the dog (which is only right since we have a dog in the house). But yesterday she amazed me by actually answering when I asked about the cow. She doesn't actually say the "M". She puts her lips together and just lets a little "oooo" out but it is definitely a moo. And if I wasn't certain yesterday then today it was confirmed. The first time she brought the book to me today we started through the story and as soon as I got to the cow page I read, "The cow jangles her bell." and Gracie immediately mooed. Oh the joy that abounded in my heart. My little girl can moo!

I find great happiness in seeing my daughter learn, even the little things, and I hope that feeling does not go away. I hope that I am this proud when she makes an A on her spelling test, when she does great on a book report, when she tries so hard in algebra and when she decides what career path she will take. I pray that in whatever decisions she makes in life I will see how amazing she is and will not be afraid to tell her.

To my Gracie Girl:
You are truly amazing. Your little mind is constantly working and learning new things. You are so sweet and gentle and full of smiles. You bring me so much joy I can hardly stand it.