Sunday, May 30, 2010


As a parent I've found a new appreciation for God.

I was raised in a Christian home. I don't remember a time in my life when I didn't believe in God. Don't get me wrong, my faith has wavered and I've asked many questions of God and others on my path. But today my faith is strong and I pray that it continues to grow.

I find my faith rooted these days in just how present God truly is in my, and I like to think our, lives. I see Him more now, I think, that I have a child. I cannot help but see all the growth she is going through as a miraculous event that occurs in every human's life. From conception to her first kick in utero, from her first smile to her first step, from her first babble to her first words the human experience is awe inspiring. She advances so quickly. Just 27 months ago she was a single cell. Now she is a running toddler learning new things everyday...literally.

She's saying lots of words these days. Here are just a few (because I know you want to know):

Mama and Dada (which have changed to mommy and daddy just this week)

She loves to run in circles and squeal. She loves, loves, loves to play outside in her sand box and kiddie pool. She loves to write with chalk and any other writing tool we'll give her. She likes to paint. She likes to watch cartoons. She likes to spin. She loves to tumble around on the bed, and the floor, and the couch. She's learning how to do puzzles on the computer. She's just a little ball of growing knowledge and I never know when she's going to look at me and repeat a word that's seemingly just too big for her little head.

I hope it never gets old. I hope I always see God's presence in my life. I hope that Gracie will feel His presence too and one day accept the grace he offers through His son. I pray for strength and wisdom to help her on this journey of life.

Note to Gracie:

You are talking in your crib right now. I guess that means nap time is over. Sometimes this job (being your mom) is hard. I rest in the fact that this job is my most favorite. It is my most fulfilling. It is my most enjoyable. It is my most rewarding. I love you and always will!