Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Big One

Gracie is one! We celebrated her birthday in style on Halloween (and it only took me a bit more than a month to post about it). It was a Baby Strawberry Shortcake themed event. It was complete with some close friends, streamers, balloons, cake, a taco bar and Nana.

This year has flown by in some ways and inched by in others. I can honestly say that it has been the most exciting year of my life. Watching a child grow right before your eyes is nothing short of a miracle and the fact that people get to do this every day still amazes me.

Gracie is turning into a regular little toddler. She is a walking pro and is getting quite fast. I can tell she grows every day because I keep having to move the breakable ornaments up a level on the Christmas Tree. She has a very sweet air about her. She is constantly feeding us and bringing me toys to play with. Her cradle roll teacher even said that she tried to calm one of the younger babies in class last Sunday while she was crying. Oh to be a fly on that wall! She is not without her moments though. She has started throwing fits by plopping to her bottom and then throwing herself back. I think it's adorable...right now. We haven't had a public outburst yet.

We, like most of you I imagine, are getting ready for Christmas. We'll be in Texas (yippeee!) in less than two weeks. Before we go we're going to do "Christmas Morning" at our house complete with the Christmas story and Santa cookies. I can't wait. I know Gracie won't understand it this year but I'm still excited. She did bring one of her wrapped presents to me this morning and got upset when I wouldn't let her open it. Maybe she understands a little bit after all. Only Gracie knows!