Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sleep Loading

I tried to think of something interesting to write about today but really couldn't think of anything. I'm just now getting over a cold so I've been doing a lot of sleeping lately. I mean a lot! I get as many hours as I can at night and then take a couple of naps during the day too. I'm just exhausted. I think it's because the sleep I do get isn't all that restful. Hauling this big belly from one side to the other all night is tiring. :)

I gave Matt a hard time for falling asleep during two movies this weekend. One was totally understandable (we do not recommend the Zohan movie) but the other was Iron Man. How can you fall asleep during Iron Man? Someone at church brought up a good point though. He must be sleep loading. You know, getting as much sleep as possible in anticipation of the sleepless nights we'll face when Gracie gets here. So I've decided I'm going to do some sleep loading myself.

I don't have any updates on Gracie right now. We go to the doctor for another visit tomorrow afternoon and will hopefully have some more news to share. If she's still breech the doctor may decide to schedule a c-section. I'm really hoping she's flipped herself around and is ready to come out head first. That would make things a lot easier.

Well, I'm going to try and catch a snooze before doing some Christmas shopping.

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