Monday, September 14, 2009

Adventures in Eating

I was never told how much of the first year of Gracie's life would be spent on food.

In the beginning there were challenges with nursing. I'll forego the details in order to keep my readership from getting that TMI (too much information) feeling. Then we had issues with using the bottle. Then she took to baby food like a pro, every mother's dream I think. Then she decided it was beneath her. It is really gross. I wouldn't even lick my finger after testing the temperature. I would run it under the sink or wipe it off with a napkin. She probably saw me do that one too many times and caught on. She still loves the fruit but no way will she touch the veggies. For a while there all she would eat was fruit, yogurt, mum-mums and puffs.

This week, though, she is opening her mind and her mouth to new experiences. She loves seasoned green beans. She won't eat them plain. She also likes raw tomatoes. She even ate a few bites of grilled cheese. Today we tried mac-n-cheese, one of my favorites, but it was a little too slimy. She also didn't eat her tomatoes. Oh well, I feel like I've won a little battle, y'know? Like maybe this mom thing isn't that hard after all. I just laughed so hard inside my head that I started laughing out loud. I think moms, parents really, are in the same category as super heros. I mean seriously, raising another human being??

Aside from Gracie's adventures in the high chair she is chugging along like a milestone steam engine. She started clapping and can even participate in "If You're Happy and You Know it". She has graduated to the big girl tub and even enjoys the occasional bubble bath. She climbs all over the place and often balances on top of her toys. I'm thinking she might be a little gymnast. The most exciting milestone she's reached lately is using her first sign. She says "more" with her hands a lot. I think she uses it to mean, "Yes", "next please", and "puffs". She likes to think outside the box.

Note to Gracie:

You make me smile everyday. You are starting to show your little personality in so many ways. Sometimes you scream at the top of your lungs just because you're enjoying something. You get a little frustrated when I say no sometimes and are not afraid to let me know. It will probably seem like I say no a lot. That's only because I love you and I want the best for you. You'll probably hear that a lot too. :) It's so hard to express how much Daddy and I want you to be a happy, healthy, confident little girl. I think one day you'll understand though. Always remember that Mommy loves you, Daddy loves you and Jesus loves you most of all.