Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Gracie's Big Adventure

The spring has finally sprung in Indy. We've had some warmer weather the last couple of weeks. It hasn't been warm enough to get Gracie out much but we've taken a few strolls to the park and back with her tucked warmly into her stroller. It's actually the wind and the sun that make it hard to expose her. Poor little girl looks like she's going to have my pale -- I mean fair -- skin. On Saturday I decided we'd been cooped up long enough so we bundled her up and had an adventure in the front yard. I've finally figured out how to post pictures so I'll tell this story using photos.

First, we just sat for a bit.

Then we said hello to the grass.

Then we said hello to the flowers.

Then we just sat and watched the world go by while daddy played with the camera.

Isn't she a cutie?

It's strange to think that Gracie has never experienced all these things. She's never felt the grass or smelled a flower. She has yet to see a bird. She has no idea what those big things in all the yards are or that they will be turning green with leaves soon. She has no idea that the tulips in our flower bed are coming up and her mommy is looking so forward to seeing them.

We had a cold spell this week. We even got snow yesterday...boooo! But spring is definitely in the air. This springtime is very special because we get to watch our little girl blossoming right along side the flowers. Do you think it feels like springtime to God every time one of His children chooses Him? He must watch us growing up in Him and feel the same way we do about our little ones.

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