Sunday, September 27, 2015

Watching the Sky

We let the kids stay up for the eclipse tonight. We lit a fire and roasted marshmallows. The sky was covered in clouds. I finished up some reading and as I did I prayed for clear skies so that my kids could see this amazing event. I walked outside and, sure enough, the moon! I made a point to tell them my prayers were answered. Don't we all need to hear things like that sometimes? I sat in my comfy patio chair in front of the fire. The kids wanted to sit in my lap. How could I say no? We sat and watched the moon. The clouds moved across the expanse and I spotted what can only be described as a rainbow in the night sky. It was amazing. And my kids were there to see it. We oohed and awwed over the colorful spot in the sky. A reminder of God's promises to us.

I texted my parents, they got in their car to drive to the country to find a good spot to watch. They almost forgot about it! We reminisced over a lunar eclipse from a vacation when I was a child and the sharks that came along with it. I only remember the sharks but I'm sure the eclipse thing happened too.

We joked with Gracie and Evan about how the next time an eclipse like this occurs they will be out of the house. They will be texting us to remind us to watch it.

Nights like this, I don't want to forget. I want to hold on to them. I want my kids to remember staying up 2 hours past bedtime, eating boy scout popcorn and s'mores and watching the sky.

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