Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Looking up

Evan and I went on our usual Wednesday lunch date today. We were at Paradise Bakery. If you know me you are incredibly surprised by this (read with much sarcasm).

While there, Evan looked straight up to check things out. He pointed to the fan and the ducts.

In all of his curiosity he is drawn upward. At lunch the phrase, "looking up" stuck in my mind. Here it is, sweet sweet nap time, and I am still mulling it over in my head.

I've thought lately about how I should look up from my phone more. About how I should just put it down and watch the kids play. About how it doesn't really matter if I've received an email in the last 10 minutes or checked to see what all my Facebook friends are doing. Maybe if I look up more I'll catch a glimpse of this wonderful life and feel connected to my kids a bit more. Maybe I won't be so frustrated when they ask for help or need some attention because my vision is not divided among so many unimportant things but is better focused on what's around me and what's important. Maybe I can stop considering what the internet tells me is a kept home and start reflecting on all the love and joy that exists within my own home. Maybe it would free me to focus upward as Evan does.

Yes, that's it. I think I will put my phone down more often and see where the Spirit takes my thoughts. I will wait quietly for guidance from above and rest in the peace that being with Jesus brings. I will play with my kids and manage my home with a song in my heart and a smile on my face instead of a phone in my hands and Facebook on my mind.

Can you feel that? Can you feel the sun on your face as you look up? I can. And it is glorious.

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