Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mother of a Boy

Tonight at Chik Fil A (our frequent Wednesday night dinner before church) Gracie looked up at me and said, "Mom you have two kids. One girl and one boy." My reply was simple, "You're right! I do."

I've been the mother of a girl for four years now and on Friday I will have been the mother of a boy for one year. One very quick year.

When we were pregnant with our second child and found out we were going to have a boy I was excited that our little family would be a lot like mine and Matt's (both with one girl and one boy). I was also excited to get to experience the raising of both genders. It has been fun to witness the differences between Gracie and Evan. I'm not sure if they are entirely related to his gender but it doesn't really matter because they are entirely his own traits.

Evan is cuddly. He really likes to sit in my lap and just be close to me. He often crawls over to have me flip him upside down in my lap or just give him hugs and kisses. Gracie was not quite as clingy at this age. He has no fear. He heads right off the edge of any surface with no realization of how high he may be or what lies beneath. Gracie was very cautious. She would wait, watch and then try to do something once she knew it was safe or I would be there to catch her. Evan is quick. He crawls quickly, he escapes quickly and he goes for the remote as if it's made of gold. He has been quick to learn new skills like sippy cups and eating big people food. I imagine that is mostly because he wants to be just like sissy.

My baby boy will be one on Friday. I am the mother of a boy and I love it. I'm looking forward to all the dirt, the frogs, the noise and mostly all the love. Because one thing I've discovered in raising one sweet girl and one silly boy is that the love is all the same.

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