Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Thirty seems like a lot of years. When you are young thirty seems old. Then you make it to thirty and you realize that thirty just scratches the surface.

By the grace of God I am exactly where I wanted to be at the age of thirty. I'm not the kind of person who makes lists about what I want my life to look like in five or ten years. However, in approaching this milestone birthday I've been doing a lot of contemplating about my life. Every way I look at these thirty years they have been amazing. 

I have been blessed with parents who love me unconditionally and support me in everything I do. I have a brother who, I'm pretty sure, doesn't think I'm a bratty little sister anymore. He married a woman I am proud to call a sister who has given me one beautiful niece and two handsome nephews. I met the man of my dreams my last year of college and still managed to eek out a degree without dropping out to elope. My mother-in-law and father-in-law are easy to love. Matt's sister and her husband are so fun and have given us two beautiful nieces. I have countless friends who have helped me to have a blast for thirty years.  

I always say that God knew exactly what He was doing when He put me and Matt together. It was no accident that we met even though Matt had just graduated and I had a year and a half of school left. Our vision for this life is identical. It is the reason why I have been able to stay home to raise our two most important little blessings. When I left for college I knew that what I really wanted to be was a wife and a mom. Today I am a wife. Today I am a mom. Tomorrow I will be thirty and my life looks exactly the way I pictured it back in the days when I had time to picture the future. Some of the road was bumpy but I would not change a thing because it got me to this place. This place where life is busy and sometimes hard but at the end of the day when that little girl and that little boy smile at me I remember that this is exactly where I want to be. 

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