Sunday, February 1, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We're home! Yesterday morning the doctor took Miss Gracie off of the oxygen to see how she would do. Her numbers were still lower than normal but nothing to be worried about. We were thinking we'd get to come home then but they wanted to monitor her for 24 hours to make sure she'd do fine without it. I did not like that hospital room but if I had to live there for the rest of my life in order for Gracie to be well I would.

She did well all night and this morning at about 9 the nurse checked and she was at 100 percent! The nurse said, "I think you've just earned your walking papers." Apparently we won the award for the longest stay and the first discharge of the day. Yippee!

Gracie is still coughing and not exactly her old self again but she is doing so much better. She's even back to her smiling/cooing ways. It's kind of funny though because she can't hit the high squeal notes right now because she's still hoarse so it just comes out as a small breath of air. She's also having trouble eating because she's still struggling with breathing. The doctor said that it could take about a month for the coughing and congestion to subside and for her breathing and eating to be completely normal. I really hope it doesn't take that long. I just put her to bed in her crib. She had to go down with her paci which is not normal. That's one way I know she's not feeling quite up to par. I'm getting to know her better everyday which basically means that I love her more everyday.

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for Gracie. We really appreciate all of the support from family and friends. I don't know how people without a strong support system get through things like this.

I'm looking forward to being able to post about some more upbeat things like her first "reach" and rolling over before too long.

1 comment:

Granny+ said...

Kelly, I just feel terrible. I just now thought to read your blog and found out how sick Gracie was and that she was in the hospital for so long! You must think I am not a very caring Granny! I just thank God she came through ok and is improving. Hope your cold does not last long. I sure will think to read your blog more often now! Lots of love, Granny+