Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Overcome by Love

Gracie is two weeks old and 1 day today. These weeks have not been easy. I've had to adjust to my role as mommy while getting very little sleep. Mostly because I have a hard time sleeping while she's dreaming loudly about her new world. :) Gracie had a few all-nighters so Matt and I took shifts so we could at least get a little sleep. We moved her to the crib in her room on Saturday and she's been sleeping really well there. We've decided she knew that's where she belonged all along and was trying to tell us. :) Which brings me to the title of my post. No matter how many nights Gracie keeps us up she is still perfect to us. Becoming a parent has opened my eyes to love.

I find myself more in love with Matt than the day I married him. He is such an amazing daddy and has been so helpful and involved that it brings tears to my eyes. Gracie is the embodiment of that love. Without our relationship, our marriage, our commitment to one another she wouldn't be here. She is a daily reminder of how much Matt means to me. A reminder of the commitment we made and another reason why that commitment will last forever.

I also have a new appreciation for our parents. Don't get me wrong, I have always loved them but becoming one myself has helped me to see just how special the relationship is. There is nothing that a parent wouldn't do for their child. There is nothing that a child could do to lose the love of a parent. I have to stop here and say, "Thank you!" to our parents. They were such a huge help while we were in the hospital and after we brought Gracie home. The first two weeks would have been a lot harder without them.

Well, Gracie is napping now which means I better take this opportunity to clean up. :)

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